Youth Opportunities Unlimited

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Y.O.U. JOG Student Turns Passion into a Career

When 18-year-old Christopher Bonner, a John F. Kennedy High School senior with a passion for cars, enrolled in his school’s Jobs for Ohio’s Graduates (JOG) program, an elective Y.O.U. offers to area high schools, he didn’t expect much to come of it.

However, his Y.O.U. career coach had plans for Chris. She took note of his passion and arranged an interview for a four-week work experience at Motorcars Honda in Cleveland Heights.

“The day of the interview, I was going to Cedar Point with my school, so I had to choose between the interview here and going to Cedar Point,” Chris said. “I chose to go here, and they admired that.”

His experience turned into a full-time job, one he’s held for several months.

“Working here is great,” he said. “I was already working on cars, so all this stuff came so naturally to me: taking tires off, changing tires, changing oil, inspecting breaks.”

And, his colleagues enjoy him, too.

“Chris is a people person,” said Dwoyne Fullilove, Motorcars Honda Service Supervisor. “He gets along with everybody. He comes to work on time, every time. If you give him something to do, he’ll do it to the best of his ability. He’s a great worker, and if he stays doing what he’s doing, he can make it to management. I can see that.”

Chris’s work ethic and dedication are evidence that he very well may make it to management one day.

“If you find a job that you love, like this one, you’re not working,” Chris said. “You’re doing your passion. You’re doing what you like to do. My day goes fast here. Sometimes I stay longer because it’s just too enlightening, in the back shop. They show you all this different stuff about different cars. It’s wonderful.”

JOG focuses on career development, employability, high school graduation, and life and leadership skills. JOG is made possible by the generous support of corporations, foundations, and individuals. Help our young people succeed by making a donation today.